Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Comment for Today - Thursday, February 20, 2014:

So let me get this straight. 

In US Secretary of State Kerry's world, if the Arabs don't like something, a proposal gets pulled and they get presented with an "amended formula" - if Israel doesn't like it - tough... 

See it here in full color:

Kerry disappointed with Palestinian verbal attacks against Israel


LAST UPDATED: 02/20/2014 00:48 

The JPost article catalogs, again (is this the millionth or trillionth time?), the Arab leadership's position of "NO, NO, NO" that dates back to the late 19th century. The leaders said no and continue to say no to anything resembling acceptance of non-Islamic/non-Arab existence in the Land of Israel/Holyland.

All our leaders seem to hear is "huh?"

Have a great day!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Comment for Today - Thursday, January 2, 2014:

Stop bashing Israel! America is no better my friends - neither is Canada for that matter. During the past few years living in Texas and NYC and traveling North America top to bottom I have been comparing service, culture, bureaucracy. competence, healthcare, education, prices, politeness, service ethics, work ethic, hospitality, security, transportation, consumer protection and many more dynamics that we all love to bash Israel over - only to find that Israel my friends is in very bad company and hardly alone. No more Israel bashing allowed on my watch.

Hey, those who know me know that I am no rah rah sisboombah Aliyah Aliyah guy and that I have lived my share of time as an adult with a family on both sides of the pond - so I say from both personal knowledge and investigative research - enough already! 

Chodesh Tov! 
